Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for October is currently $102.16/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $114.01/MWh, this represents a...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for October is currently $114.01/MWh, a decrease of $28.06/MWh or 19.8% relative to last week’s price of...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for October is currently settling at $142.07/MWh. Relative to September’s month-end price of $96.14/MWh...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for September is currently settling at $97.03/MWh, a marginal increase of $4.26/MWh or 4.6% relative to...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for September is currently settling at $92.77/MWh. Prices have decreased by $11.77/MWh or 11.2% relative...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for September is currently $104.54/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $85.54/MWh, this represents an...