Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for August is currently $143.49/MWh. Relative to July’s month-end price of $129.65/MWh, this represents...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for July is currently $129.38/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $153.68/MWh, this is a decrease of...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for July is currently $153.68/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $132.01/MWh, this is an increase of...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for July is currently $132.01/MWh. Relative to June’s price of $149.99/MWh, this is a decrease of $17...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for June is currently $125.41/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $143.35/MWh, this is a further...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for June is currently $143.35/MWh. Relative to the pricing set the week prior of $177.90/MWh, this is a...