Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for February is currently $196.64/MWh. After a mild start to the month, the recent cold snap sweeping the...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for January settled at $75.18/MWh. The last week of January experienced a significant number of hourly...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for January is currently $68.86/MWh. Compared to last week’s price of $47.18/MWh, this represents a...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for January is currently $47.18/MWh. Compared to last week’s price of $47.03/MWh, this represents a...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for January is currently $47.03/MWh. Compared to last week’s price of $44.61/MWh, this represents a net...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for January is currently $44.61/MWh. Compared to last month’s price of $38.74/MWh, this represents a net...