Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for April is currently $114.26/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $93.54/MWh, we’ve seen a $20.72/MWh...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for April is currently $93.54/MWh. Relative to March’s month-end price of $75.94/MWh, this represents a...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for March is currently $75.67/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $74.31/MWh, this is a marginal price...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for March is currently $74.31/MWh; compared to last week’s price of $79.29/MWh, prices this week have...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for March is currently $79.29/MWh; relative to last week’s price of $88.82/MWh, this is a decrease of $9...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for March is currently $88.82/MWh. Relative to February’s month-end price of $107.26/MWh, this is a...