Roger McKnight comments on the Federal Court's decision to quash the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

How long does it take to say, “enough is enough?!”

How about 65 years.

That’s how long the Kinder Morgan pipeline has been operating without incident.

Not good enough for opponents of the proposed and approved expansion of the existing line, though.

And the three-member panel of the Federal Court of Appeals judges who agreed in their 275-page ruling which, cutting to the cost saving precis chase, said that the indigenous population were not granted, “adequate consultation” prior to the NEB approval of the federally approved project.

My first question is, why has it taken 65 years for the pipeline to become an environmental issue?

Why wasn’t this brought up maybe, say, 50 years ago and not two months after the Feds bought this lemon with our lemonade stand money?

Second, why after 275 pages of legal verbal flotsam, do they use the adverb, “adequate consultation” in their rejection of the pipeline expansion? Adequate means sufficient or enough. Enough or sufficient in whose opinion? Adequate is not measurable, it is an opinion and not quantifiable.

So, what will the Feds do now that they have bought a pipeline that their own court says can’t be built?

Bill Morneau, the unblinking Minister of Finance, says that they will, “de-risk” the pipeline proposal and it will be built.

When – was neither asked nor answered.

So here we are folks with the third largest oil reserves on the planet that will just fossilize for another 100 years or so, which is about how long it will take for the global investment community to change its view on Canada as a place to be – because the way things stand with the three coins in a trans fountain pipeline, we don’t have the political backbone to get our oil to tidewater because we are drowning in our own political backwater.

~Roger McKnight, Chief Petroleum Analyst, En-Pro

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