Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for June is currently $177.90/MWh. In contrast to May’s month-end pricing of $86.83/MWh, this is an...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for June is currently $86.83/MWh. Relative to the pricing set the week prior of $89.85/MWh, this results...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for May is currently $89.85/MWh. There was very little movement from last week’s price of $90.64/MWh...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool price for May is currently $90.64/MWh. Relative to last week, this is an increase of $17.87/MWh or 25%. With...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for May is currently $72.77/MWh, representing a drop of $24.02/MWh or 24.8% relative to last week’s price...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for May is currently $96.79/MWh. Relative to April’s month-end price of $88.61/MWh, this is an increase...