Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for September is currently $280.17/MWh, an increase of $12.80/MWh or 4.8% relative to last week’s price...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for September is currently $267.31/MWh, a decrease of $29.90/MWh or 10.1% relative to last weeks’ price...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for September is currently $297.21/MWh, an increase of $60.82/MWh or 25.7% relative to last week’s price...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for September is currently $236.39/MWh. Relative to August’s price of $270.75/MWh, this is a decrease of...
Alberta’s weighted average Power Pool Price for August settled to $270.75/MWh. Relative to last week’s price of $264.35/MWh, this is an increase of...
The weighted average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) is currently 8.6¢/kWh for the month of August – up 0.3¢/kWh or 3.5% versus last week’s settle...